Most living creatures are capable of adaptation when compelled to do so. 大多数生物都能在迫于压力的情况下适应新环境。
Governments frequently ignore human rights abuses in other countries if it is politically expedient to do so. 如果在政治上对自己有利,各国政府经常忽视其他国家侵犯人权的行为。
Very few firms collect the tax, even when they're required to do so by law. 即使法律要求公司收税,也很少有公司这么做。
How long he'll be able to do so is a moot point. 不知道他还能这样做多久。
I fear that if I don't write now I shall never have another opportunity to do so. 我担心如果我不立即开始写作的话,就永远都不会再有机会了。
Although it is not in his power to do so, he said he would rebuild the Air Base 虽然这超出了他的能力范围,他还是说他会重建空军基地。
Should Havelock become the first Englishman to retain his world title, he will be the last to do so under the present system. 如果哈夫洛克成为第一个保住世界冠军头衔的英国人,那么在现有体制下他也将会是最后一个做到这一点的英国人。
'You can go and see her tomorrow afternoon if you feel like it.' — 'I should be delighted to do so.' “如果你愿意,明天下午就可以去看她。”——“我很乐意去。”
We think it no disgrace to do so. 我认为这么做并没有不光采的地方。
It is very impolite of you to do so to customers. 你这样做对顾客太不客气了。
He is unapt to do so. 他不至于这样做。
She does not like to do so from her own initiative. 她不愿意主动这么做。
They strongly advised me not to do so. 他们竭力劝我不要这样做。
It was right to do so at that given time and place. 在当时当地的情况下,这样做是对的。
It is thoughtless of you to do so. 你这样做,太不懂事。
May I make bold to suggest that you were wrong to do so? 我斗胆说一句,这件事您做错了。
It was, of course, within my right to do so. 我当然有权利这样做。
We are willing to help but unable to do so about this. 这件事我们是爱莫能助了。
It's not tactful to do so. 这样做不策略。
I'll fire you if you dare to do so. 你胆敢这么做,我就开除你。
Those who want to drop out are free to do so. 愿意退出的决不强留。
All are aching to do so, as they know that mobile data is the future, so there's much money to be made on it. 他们可都渴望着这么做呢,既然知道未来必然是移动数据的时代,那么就肯定会有大把的金钱可以赚了。
As often as not, jacelin thinks before he speaks but rarely resists the temptation to do so. 杰斯林多半是经过深思熟虑才发表意见的,难得有不这么干的时候。
It's best to do so on all accounts. 从哪一方面来看,这样做都是最好不过的。
There was no occasion to do so. 没有理由这样做。
He responded joyfully that to do so was his mission in life. 他高兴地说,这是他当仁不让的天职。
I don't want to go there, furthermore, I have no time to do so. 我不想去那里,而且我也没时间去。
I don't approve of your getting married so young, but if you're determined to do so it's on your own head. 我不同意你这么年轻就结婚,但是如果你决意这样做的话,那么一切就由你自己负责。
It is the custom of foreigners to do so. 这样做法是外国人的习惯。